Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Results
The Politics of Purity: Harvey Washington Wiley and the Origins of Federal Food Policy by Clayton Anderson Coppin, Ja... ISBN: 9780472109845 List Price: $85.00
Regulation Economic Theory and History by High, Jack C. ISBN: 9780472102723 List Price: $80.00
Nation in Debt: Economists Debate the Federal Budget Deficit by Fink, Richard H., High, Jac... ISBN: 9780890939635
Century of the Sherman Act American Economic Opinion, 1890-1990 by High, Jack C., Gable, Wayne E. ISBN: 9780913969427 List Price: $45.50
Century of the Sherman Act American Economic Opinion, 1890-1990 by High, Jack C., Gable, Wayne E. ISBN: 9780913969410 List Price: $83.50
Century of the Sherman Act American Economic Opinion, 1890-1990 by High, Jack C., Gable, Wayne ISBN: 9780913969359 List Price: $57.50
Nation in Debt Economists Debate the Federal Budget Deficit by Fink, Richard H., High, Jac... ISBN: 9780890939642 List Price: $17.95
Nation in Debt : Economists Debate the Federal Budget Deficit by Fink, Richard H., High, Jac... ISBN: 9780313270741 List Price: $19.95
A Century of the Sherman Act: American Economic Opinion, 1890-1990 by High, Jack C., Gable, Wayne E. ISBN: 9781461723615